Monday, May 27, 2019

#52 Ancestors Week 22 - In the cemetery

#52 Ancestors Week 22 – In the cemetery

Many of our early ancestors are buried in cemeteries no longer in use.  In Lismore and Ballina the pioneer cemeteries have become “Parks” with salvageable headstones straightened and set into walls to protect them from further erosion.  In both these cases, the cemeteries have been affected by rising water levels, and many headstones have been lost.  While this process “saves” the headstones, they unfortunately lose context, so family or kinship relationships can’t be read by looking at the graves.

In the Pioneer Cemetery of North Lismore are many surviving headstones of my early Lismore family.  All four of my paternal 2x great grandparents are here – Charles and Eliza White and Charles and Susan Stanford, as well as two of the Stanford children, Violet and Dyscha. 

Some of Paul’s ancestors are here too.  Three McCann brothers who all died accidentally over a period of nine years from 1889 - 1898 – Charles (drowned), Nicholas and James (hit by falling trees) are buried here; their headstones gradually becoming less legible as time passes.  Nearby are the graves of Paul’s 3x great grandfather James Exton.  Born far away in Lincolnshire, England, he died in Lismore in 1876, aged 59.  His inscription is also illegible, but it has been recorded.  It says, 

Whilst on earth I did remain
My latter days were grief and pain
But God whose mercy ever free
Has from my pains released me."

His wife Susannah does not seem to be in this cemetery, but his daughter Hannah’s grave is there, with her husband, John Jones.

Listed on the plaque at the entrance to the cemetery are two more of Paul’s 2x great grandparents, James and Sarah Barrow.  James was born in Shropshire in 1817 and came to the colony in about 1841.  Sarah was born here, the daughter of convicts John Hooper and Rebecca Bloxham.  James was a sawyer and had a successful business as a builder in the fledgling town of Lismore – there is a lane named after him in South Lismore.

The location of the first cemetery in Ballina was chosen because it was convenient to the settlement by land and by water, but the town soon outgrew the site.  It was declared a rest park in 1957, and the few headstones that had survived were placed in a wall.  While beautiful, the area has no sense of the past and is rarely visited.  Paul’s 3 x great grandfather, the soldier/blacksmith William Johnson is apparently buried here.

My maternal great grandparents are buried in the small bush cemetery at Wallabadah, with one of their sons, a bachelor, and one of their grandsons, my uncle Jackie who died long before I was born., before even my mother, his sister, was born.  It has seemed, on the occasions I have visited, as if the country is permanently in drought – it’s a bleak and cheerless place.  On the day they buried Jackie, however, it was probably sodden with recent rains – when he died on the family property in the hills behind Wallabadah they were cut off from help by the flooded Jacob and Joseph Creek.

We have heard the story many times.  My grandmother, Josie, alone on the property with four small children and a “girl” hired to help her.  We don’t know who the girl was or how old she was – probably a young teenager.  She had taken the older three children (aged 8,6 and 5) outside to play. Jackie was listless at dinner time, then unconscious, then dead.  The girl had demonstrated to the others – on Jackie – how to do a “rabbit killer”, an edge-of-the-hand chop to the back of the neck. My grandmother laid him out on the kitchen table and sat with him for two days.  Neither my grandfather nor a doctor or even an undertaker could cross the flooded creek to come to them.  In my mother’s many tellings of this tale, Josie is pregnant again which is an added note of poignancy but not true, I think, unless that child too was lost.

There was no inquest or official enquiry.  My mother told me that she thought that my grandparents would have wanted to spare the ignorant girl from blame or censure.

Monday, May 20, 2019

#52 Ancestors Week 21 - Military

#52 Ancestors Week 21 - Military

I began by thinking that the only military ancestors I could think of were my grandmother’s brother Edward Morgan, killed on the Somme in 1916, his cousin Arthur Rudolph Fleming, also killed in France and Paul’s 3 x great grandfather, William Johnson, a career soldier/blacksmith.

I have been surprised to discover many more.

Most of my discoveries have been ancestors who signed up as volunteers in World Wars 1 and 11.  For young Australians WW1 initially presented as an opportunity for travel and excitement – Australia had a population of only 4 million in 1914, yet 416,809 men enlisted to fight.  This represented a staggering 38.7% of the male population aged between 18-44.  Films such as “Gallipoli” tell the story of this excitement and of the dawning horror of what these young men had signed up for.  By the end, when the Armistice was reached in 1918, Australia had made the greatest sacrifice per capita of any Allied nation, and the country was to spend years recovering.

Edward George Morgan

Arthur Rudolph Fleming

Amongst these young men were several from both sides of my family tree.  There was my father’s cousin George William Leicester (Les) White.  Wounded in Egypt, he nevertheless went back and managed to survive.  Dad’s uncle by marriage, John Victor Lehman (married to Nellie White) was also a returned soldier from WW1.  He seems to have suffered from PTSD for ever after, and took his own life in 1943 after taking a shot at his daughter’s boyfriend.  Dad’s uncle Michael Gleeson had a very short war, being invalided out in 1917 after a tour of duty in France.  He too seems to have been marked for life, becoming a lifelong alcoholic who committed a string of petty crimes while under the influence.

From my mother’s family went Roy Stretton, a cousin of her father’s, who also fought in France. The wonderfully named Power Goulburn Morgan (known as Pat) was the son of Josephine’s uncle John Morgan.  His family had emigrated to New Zealand after his birth (in the NSW town of Goulburn) and he enlisted with the NZ Army in 1916.  We know from his service record that he was a driver based in Louvencourt (in Picardie, not far from Peronne).  In 1918 he had an accident with the horse he was riding and broke his arm – this seems to have been his only war injury.  After the war he returned to NZ, married and lived out his life in Auckland until his death in 1978.

In Paul’s extended family of McCanns, Roberts and Johnsons there were at least 8 volunteers, including three from the one family.   Robert and Val McGuire both went to Gallipoli with the 15th  Battalion, and their brother Charles was wounded in France.  William Samin and his brother Frederick both fought at Amiens.  Reg Johnson joined up aged 19 in 1917 and was sent straight to France but appears to have been there only a few months before he was invalided out to England.  By the time he recovered, the war was over.  Great uncle Herb McCann was a member of the 11th  Australian Light Horse.  His brigade was in Palestine and took part in the famous Beersheeba Charge.

Herb McCann

All of these men came home and went back to their lives – mostly as small farmers – married and had families.  Typically, they never spoke about their war experiences.

William Johnson was a career soldier; a sergeant blacksmith.  Born in Essex, England, he appears to have joined up early to the 57th Regiment, known as the Royal Staff Corps Mounted and Dismounted Regiments. Royal Staff Corps were a separate body under command of the Horse Guards (ie the Army).  They were under command of the Board of Ordnance (Royal Artillery and Engineers).
The official dividing line was that the RSC did the temporary field works and the Engineers did the more permanent things.  The RSC usually did bridging, while the RE did sieges and permanent fortifications. In about 1830, the RSC was disbanded and amalgamated with the Royal Engineers.

In 1821, William was with his regiment in Barbados, then under British rule.  There he married a local woman called Martha Donovan (who had already been married and had two children to Samuel Donovan).

William and Martha had a son (William Joseph) in Barbados, but by 1826 the Regiment had moved to Australia,  and not long after this, William appears to have left the army.  He and his wife had six more children and it was his daughter Mary who married the first Charles McCann.  Charles was a wheelwright, and it seems as if the two men worked together later on the goldfields around Ballarat and Bullarook to make “McCann Wagons”.  We aren’t sure what they were used for but guess that they were used for carting large supplies such as timber to the goldfields.

After Eureka, William, Martha and all of the children moved away from the goldfields to the rich lode of the cedar forests in the far north coast of NSW where both timber felling and transport (including buses and taxis) sustained several of the next generations.  He died at the age of 70 and is buried in the Ballina Pioneer cemetery, now a park on the banks of the Richmond River.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

#52 Ancestors #Week 20 - Nature

#52 Ancestors #Week 20 - Nature

Nature could be particularly cruel in our early years of white settlement.  In a period of less than 10 years, Charles John and Mary McCann lost three of their sons to the harshness of life in the bush.

On 15 April 1889, Charles William McCann (Paul’s 2 x great grandfather) drowned at Eureka, near Lismore.  On 20 April, The Northern Star wrote:  

DROWNING: We are sorry to hear that a well known farmer named Chas. McCann, was drowned fording Wilson's Creek, above Eureka on Tuesday last. It is stated that McCann was crossing the creek, which had risen several feet, when his horse slipped, McCann was washed out of his saddle, and drowned before assistance could be rendered. The police are now searching for the body, but it has not yet been recovered, owing to the flooded state of the creek.

As I wrote last week, Charles’ death changed the lives of all his family.  Within a few months, his pregnant widow, Esther,  married his brother, John Beale McCann, who raised the family as his own.

That wasn’t the only family tragedy to take place in 1889.  In December, Charles and John’s younger brother Nicholas was killed by a falling tree while working as a timber cutter.

The Northern Star reported:

4 Dec 1889: FATAL ACCIDENT. — Last Monday week a man named Nicholas McCann, who was engaged falling scrub on Mr. Moffatt's farm, between Toohey's mill and Newrybar, was struck by a falling limb from a tree close to the one he was himself working at. He unfortunately sustained a fracture of the skull, and died in Lismore last Friday. McCann, who was quite a young man, leaves a widow and two children, and was a brother of Charles McCann drowned in Wilson's Creek about 6 months ago.

Nicholas’ headstone is in the pioneer North Lismore cemetery.  It is almost illegible now but one can read

"Nicholas McCann
Killed by a falling tree
(Line illegible)
Aged 29 years
Leaving a wife and two children
To mourn his loss"

Nicholas was only 29, and he left a four year old son and a two year old daughter.  His young wife, Elizabeth, married again five years later but lived only until the age of 44.

A falling tree was also responsible for the death of yet another member of this family.  James McCann was the youngest of Charles John and Mary’s six sons.  By the time he was 28 he was married to his cousin, Mary Anne Hall and they had had four children, although the first two children had died at birth.  He died on 27 February, 1898, and the Coroner recorded a verdict of “accidental death, the accident caused by falling limb.”

Our family trees are full of deaths which are now preventable.  Although Australians still die every year in natural disasters like floods and bushfires, most of us are inured from the worst that nature can do by our more urbanised lives.  Our means of transport and better communication make exposure to these dangers less likely.  In this century, had Nicholas and James been felling trees, they would have been wearing protective clothing and been also covered by a range of Health and Safety precautions which might have prevented their untimely deaths.